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What is Read Speaker Coach?

Read is a platform that improves meeting wellness in a hybrid world by offering better scheduling, real-time analytics, meeting summaries, transcription, video playback, automated recommendations, and more. It helps identify and eliminate unnecessary meeting hours.

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How to use Read Speaker Coach?

To use Read, you need to connect your calendar and choose which meetings the platform should automatically join. Read joins the meetings as a participant, takes notes, and provides a meeting recap with a summary, transcript, playback, and more. You can share the recap with others via email, calendar, or by copying the link.

Read Speaker Coach's Core Features

The core features of Read include automatic meeting summaries, transcription augmented with reactions, video playback with AI highlights, instant meeting summaries, AI video highlights, recording and playback of meetings, better meeting scheduling, generating transcripts, managing team meetings, and AI-powered recaps.

Read Speaker Coach's Use Cases

Read can be used in various scenarios such as education, engineering, presentations, recruiting, and sales. It helps in making meetings more efficient and effective by providing AI-generated summaries, transcripts, playback, and highlights.

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