What is Shortkut for Chrome?
Shortkut AI is a powerful browser extension that leverages artificial intelligence to create intelligent shortcuts for automating repetitive tasks.
Shortkut for Chrome's Tags
How to use Shortkut for Chrome?
To use Shortkut AI, simply install the browser extension and open it. Then, you can create shortcuts by providing the necessary inputs and selecting the desired actions. The AI capabilities of Shortkut will analyze your inputs and create smart shortcuts to automate your repetitive work.
Shortkut for Chrome's Core Features
AI-powered shortcuts
Automates repetitive work
Intelligent analysis of user inputs
Easy-to-use browser extension
Shortkut for Chrome's Use Cases
Automating form filling
Automating data entry
Automating web scraping
Automating repetitive online tasks
Shortkut for Chrome's Tags
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