What is ResearchBuddy.app?
ResearchBuddy is an automated literature review tool that simplifies and speeds up the process of conducting literature reviews. It intelligently filters and presents the most relevant information to users.
ResearchBuddy's Tags
How to use ResearchBuddy.app?
To use ResearchBuddy, simply sign in to your account and enter your research topic or keywords. The app will then extract and analyze relevant articles, summarizing key findings and presenting them in a structured manner.
ResearchBuddy.app's Core Features
ResearchBuddy offers the following core features:
1. Automated literature review process
2. Intelligent information extraction and analysis
3. Summary of key findings
4. Structured presentation of relevant articles
1. Automated literature review process
2. Intelligent information extraction and analysis
3. Summary of key findings
4. Structured presentation of relevant articles
ResearchBuddy.app's Use Cases
ResearchBuddy can be used in various scenarios such as:
1. Academic research
2. Market research
3. Technical analysis
4. Evidence-based decision making
1. Academic research
2. Market research
3. Technical analysis
4. Evidence-based decision making