What is Pic2Quote?

HomeHelper is an AI-driven platform that offers assistance with home projects. It provides users with a virtual guide, LEO, to help make their home projects smarter. By utilizing HomeHelper, users can gain knowledge and expertise in various home improvement projects.

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How to use Pic2Quote?

To use HomeHelper, simply start by chatting with LEO, the virtual guide. Ask LEO your questions about your home project, such as project costs, required tools, and difficulty level. LEO can provide insights and step-by-step instructions to expand your knowledge and guide you through the project. Additionally, HomeHelper offers a Home Journal feature where users can track their progress and share their journey with others. Users can also book personalized sessions with HomeHelper's professionals for project consultations. Overall, HomeHelper aims to make users feel knowledgeable and capable in completing their home projects.

Pic2Quote's Core Features

AI-driven assistance with home projects
Virtual guide LEO for project insights and instructions
Knowledge expansion tools
Home Journal to track progress and share
Personalized project consultations with professionals

Pic2Quote's Use Cases

First-time homeowners seeking guidance in home improvement projects
Experienced DIY professionals looking for detailed instructions and insights
Users in need of assistance in project planning, cost estimation, and tool requirements
Homeowners looking to track and manage their home projects efficiently
Professionals wanting to enhance their sales and provide personalized assistance to clients

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