What is IQuit.ai?

iQuit.ai is a platform that allows users to generate retirement letters, emails, and SMS in minutes without having to think. With just a few inputs, users can quickly create a professional termination message.

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How to use IQuit.ai?

To use the iQuit.ai, follow these simple steps:1. Go to the iQuit.ai website. 2. Select the type of termination message you want to generate (letter/email/SMS). 3. Enter the required inputs, such as name, position, company, and reason for leaving. 4. Customize the generated message as needed. 5. Download your resignation letter/email/SMS or copy it to your preferred platform. 6. Send a termination message to your employer.

IQuit.ai's Core Features

The main features of the iQuit.ai are:1. Fast Retirement Generation: Generate severance letters, emails, and SMS in seconds. 2. Minimum effort: You don't need time to think about your content. All you have to do is make a few inputs and get a professionally crafted message. 3. Customization: Users have the option to personalize the generated messages for their individual situations. 4. Multiple message types: Based on your communication choices, you can choose whether to choose a termination letter, email, or SMS.

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